Braille Options / Braille-Oz
Fact: DCS PRINTOVATORS™ DO MORE with their Direct Jet UV LED printers. They develop more applications, produce more products and generate more profits.
Fact: DCS PRINTOVATORS™ DO MORE with their Direct Jet UV LED printers. They develop more applications, produce more products and generate more profits.
As providers of solutions to sign makers worldwide, Jim and Val Tapscott of Braille Options and Braille-Oz have taken up the challenge of helping customers become more time efficient in their manufacturing process.
With that mission in mind, Braille Options specifically developed the Braille-Oz system to automate arduous aspects in the manufacturing of bulk quantities of Braille signs. In addition to manufacturing equipment and fabricating Braille signage of their own, they continued to expand their Braille signage capabilities with Direct Jet UV LED printers from Direct Color Systems.
"The huge number of businesses worldwide that are now recognizing the fact that Braille signs are here to stay – and the opportunity to be able to manufacture them in-house and/or offer the products to the wholesale marketplace – are big opportunities for businesses in the sign market," says Jim Tapscott. "The convenience of not having to refill the ink cartridges attracted us to the 1024UVMVP. The Bulk Ink System™ and the heavier drive motor let us produce more Braille signage on more substrates."
Now pairing their new 1024UVMVP with their Direct Jet 1024UVHS, Braille Options has enhanced its Braille signage capabilities to meet rising demand. They are able to produce compliant Braille signage with custom backgrounds and match custom background colors when they vary from the limited range of standard colors available with other Braille sign manufacturing techniques. In turn, they are able to produce a compliant Braille sign that is more appealing for the sighted and in line with the customer's current décor. "We have clients wanting tactile in all different colors," Jim Tapscott says, "and we can accommodate their wishes."
Original intentions called for the 1024UVMVP to be primarily used for Braille signage, but Braille Options has used it to enhance their other product offerings as well. "We have been very impressed with the TEXTUR3D™ printing on the acrylic awards and phone cases," says Val Tapscott. "Badges and souvenirs are a breeze now. Souvenirs such as golf balls and printing on tiles were certainly not on our original agenda, but the samples we have been able to produce for our customers are bringing in business."
"We have been associated with the sign industry for more than 30 years and have had business relationships with many companies during this time," Jim Tapscott says. "The support that DCS gives its customers is first rate. The physical distance from the USA to Australia is no barrier for good service. We are very happy to be closely associated with DCS."
For more information on the Braille signage capabilities of Braille OZ, please visit www.braille-oz.com.au or www.brailleoptions.com.au.
DIRECT COLOR SYSTEMS, TEXTUR3D, and INKMARK are the subjects of US Patent and Trademark Office trademark registrations owned by Direct Color Inc. dba Direct Color Systems.
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